So, I've had a lot of difficulties this evening. First comes trying to listen to my parents argue. Argue about stuff like which has more wrinkles: Shar peis or Pugs. The argument ( which only lasted about five minutes) was closed off in a satisfied conclusion that Rosie, our dog, looks like a pug without the snub nose. She is a Boston Terrior. I don't see any relation between the three kind of dogs. I mean seriously, how do you go from Shar pei to Boston Terrior? I don't know. Mommy is likely to change the subject, so this is no surprise. But Daddy, all he does is listen not so closely and says "uh, huh" and "yeah totally" or "no" and "of course not."That was only one difficulty I've faced tonight.
The second one, which was really hard, was trying to teach my little brother ballet. I have to say, he learns quick, but I spent about thirty minutes trying to teach him how to leap with straight legs and pointed toes. So maybe he doesn't learn so quick. Then I tried to teach him my jazz dance. Which by the way, was a BIG mistake. Oh well. I totally gave up on him. What. Don't look at the screen like that! He's unteachable! I don't usually give up like that, but if you went through what I did, you would know why I did so. That wasn't the last one. One more difficulty, coming right up!
The third one, which, yes, is the last one, was that I had to go pee really bad, but my big, fat, lazy dog wouldn't move no matter what I did. I tried bribing him with food. He wasn't hungry. I tried saying "you want to go outside!" He already did his business. All out of ideas. Next, I just push, push, push. Not a budge. So I jump over him. Oh, wait! I kinda need to shut the door. And I am NOT EVER gonna go in the boys bathroom. Wait, he's moving! Only before I hear my DAD call him to realize that he WON'T listen ME, but he WILL listen to my DAD!!! Seriously! Come on Jack! ( he's my other dog) Why him? I'm just as good! Oh well. Hopefully, this was the last one.

I've had one to many hard accomplishments today, so I'm kinda pooped out. See ya!
"Oh, you want me to MOVE. Too bad. I'm already comfy. Bye, Bye now! Shoo! Go away! What!!! YOU say it to ME!!!"