Okay so, today I went canoeing with my Dad!!!! We saw ducks and turtles, and I think I saw some turtle eggs in the water!!!! They were cracked, though. I was really nervous, and I thought the canoe would flip over!!!! But once I had floated and took my shoes off and walked in the shallow water, I got used to it. Once I trusted the boat wouldn't flip me, I started to help paddle. Of course, I couldn't pull off the switching hand thing, I could only paddle on the left side, which was weird cuz' I'm right handed. We also went fishing. We didn't catch anything, but my dad was this close to catching a big catfish, I'm talkin' two feet baby, that was bottom feeding and not even interested in our nightcrawler worms!
Thats only a fraction of sky high!!! |
And one reason why I said it was the best weekend is well, because tomorrow for a b-day party I'm going to SKY HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SUPER exited to go!!!!!!!! I have nothing else to do except to go to sleep and wait for tomorrow to come... So BYE!!!!!!!!!

We also caught lots of muscles, but since they were endangered we couldn't keep the closed one but we kept some opened ones. They were big, small, huge, all different sizes!!! They were also very beautiful shells.