Monday, September 15, 2014

My thoughts on..... School Stuffs!!!!!

 Do I like school? Yes!!! What is my favorite subject? Math!! Why? Because it is awesome and I am good at it and it is fun. Do I like my Teachers? DEFINITELY!!!!!!! They are so awesome and cool!!! If I could be a Teacher, would I be one? Yes, and no. Yes, because I love people to follow my instructions, and no because I really want to be the president or a pop-star when I grow up. I'm serious, don't laugh. What is my favorite thing I have learned about? Um, the lattice method and exponential numbers. Exponential number: four to the fifth power. I can't give you an example for lattice method, so you will just have to guess what it is like with this description... It is a box where you draw a lot of lines through it then multiply your numbers then add both the products. That is the lattice method. I'm out of ideas and I'm tired to so, BYE!!!!!!