Sunday, October 13, 2013

My thoughts on... The dogs diet!!!

           So, my dogs are on a diet. They are not taking it well. When they think nobody's looking, they'll  get into the trashcan. Like four days ago, I saw Rosie eating a thing of tinfoil. I actually saw her get it out of the trash. It was hilarious. Then I saw Jack take an empty cheese bag out of the trash. They really can't take it.

           They are so bad about it, we had to buy a new trashcan. This one was the kind where there is a pedal you step on to open the lid. The dogs probably won't figure that out any time soon. Anyways, I thought  it was so funny when they would take stuff out of the trash, but now I know that the real icing on the cake is the look on their face when they try to take trash.